Friday 7 March 2014

Thursday 6 March 2014


Er antwortet nicht. He did not answer.
Sie arbeitet Jeden Tag. She works everyday.
Was bedeutet dieses Wort? What does this word mean?
Wann beginnt der Film? When does the film begin?
Ich bekomme eine Geschenke. I receive a present.
Ich bestelle meine buche online. I order my book online.

Worte die Tage

Worte die Tage!
kommen - to come
ich kam - I came

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Word of the day Wort des Tages!
anziehen = to put on (clothes)

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Welcome (Wilkommen)

Hello and welcome to the website where you and your friends can learn German! If you want to post some German writing feel free to do so and someone who is good at german will tell you if you did anything wrong. They can do this via the comments. To send your work in, write it as a comment and I will post it and say who wrote it. There may also be a separate section to discuss football or chess. If you want to increase the popularity of this blog then feel free to add a link to it in the comments of popular youtube videos. Enjoy!!

Monday 3 March 2014

Ferienalptraum - holiday nightmares

Der Rauber klaue meine Tasche.      
The robber stole my bag.
Anscheinend der Rauber meine Tasche im der Markt klaue.
Apparently the robber stole my bag in the market.
Mein Vater Gas geben.
My Dad put his foot down.
aber es war unmoglich,
but it was impossible
weil es war ein Stau.
because there was a traffic jam.
Es war ein Unfall
there was an accident
auf die Baustelle.
on the building site.
Ein Baumeister stelle seinen Schlussel
A builder put his key
herunter und der Rauber klaue es!
down and the robber stole it!
Die Polizei erwische der Rauber
The police catch the robber
wenn der Baumeister melde der Diebstahl.
when the builder reports the theft.